这不仅仅是一个简单的发布,而是一系列协同工作的创新成果,为软包加工商提供涂布复合超越数字化并进入 “下一个 ”发展阶段的机会。用于无溶剂粘合剂涂布的 5 辊系统的发明者现在已对设计进行了改进,以提供终极的精确度和结果的一致性,这套系统旨在为操作人员提供前所未有的支持。我们一贯的声明表达了我们力求现场展示所有上述成果的决心。专利设计Triplex One Shot每天将展示多种加工设置。演示内容包括创新的三层结构、传统的三层配方、纸张复合、套准激光模切等等。加工转换过程将通过创新的过程监控技术进行演示。该创新技术可避免现有技术的所有副作用。现在,该过程的闭环控制既有效又安全,其自动化程度和可靠性都是前所未有的。在整个德鲁巴展会期间,我们每天都会举办两场演示,让来宾体验创新的机器设计、创新的基材转换、创新的过程监控和过程控制。
每日日程表可从 这里 下载。
请在您的日程表上做好标记,欢迎莅临诺德美克公司在 DRUPA 2024 上的 15 号展厅 C-40 号展位。
诺德美克将在展会上展示多项创新技术。符合涂布、复合和镀膜机械领先制造商的传统, 这绝对的 "首创 "将对行业产生影响。这家公司为行业带来了 创新、模块化、集成、可靠、物有所值;现在又推出了"下一个新事物"系列产品。
- 让复合工艺更上一层楼
- 可靠的过程监控
- 实现可靠的自动工艺处理
请在您的日程表上做好标记,并随时关注 2024 年德鲁巴,展会前几个月将会公布更多细节。
诺德美克将在展会上展示多项创新技术。符合涂布、复合和镀膜机械领先制造商的传统,这绝对是一个对行业产生影响力的"首创"。这家为行业带来了创新、模块化、集成、可靠性、物有所值的公司;现在又推出了 "下一个新事物"。
- 三层一次通过复合
- 适合可持续发展的基材和纸张
- 包装改进
请在您的日历上做好标记,并随时关注 2024 年德鲁巴,展会前几个月将会公布更多详细信息。欢迎莅临诺德美克公司位于15号展厅C-40展位,亲眼见证这些突破性的创新成果。
Dr. Paolo Barilla, VP Barilla Group, recently visited Nordmeccanica Headquarters in Piacenza, Italy.
The visit was organized as part of a series of meetings targeting the development of potential collaboration agreements. There are multiple areas of common interest between the two companies, including trends of sustainability in packaging. At the meeting with Dr. Paolo Barilla, Antonio Cerciello, President of Nordmeccanica, with the Nordmeccanica VPs Vincenzo and Alfredo Cerciello. During the visit, Dr. Barilla had the opportunity to tour the assembly lines of the Nordmeccanica Group, the leading manufacturer of coating, laminating, and metallizing machinery serving the flexible packaging industry and other sectors.
Picture, from left: Vincenzo and Antonio Cerciello, Paolo Barilla, Alfredo Cerciello.
诺德美克宣布将在展会上展示多项创新技术。符合涂布、复合和镀膜机械领先制造商的传统,这绝对又将是 "首个"对行业产生影响力的展示。
这家为行业带来创新、模块化、集成、可靠性、物超所值的公司;现在又推出了 "下一个新事物"。
- 创新的高阻隔结构
- 可回收性的提升
- 节能减排
请在您的日历上做好标记,并随时关注 2024 年德鲁巴,展会前几个月将会公布更多详细信息。欢迎莅临诺德美克公司位于15号展厅C-40展位,亲眼见证这些突破性的创新成果。
诺德美克,涂布复合和镀膜设备的领先供应商非常高兴地宣布将参加 2024 年德鲁巴展会。距离上届德鲁巴展会已经过去了八年之久,这一重要的行业展会理应获得更多的关注。诺德美克公司将推出多项重大创新,涵盖从定制设备到紧凑型涂布机和复合机等整个产品系列。这些改变行业的研发成果将在展会上进行现场展示,内容涵盖新包装趋势、可持续发展、循环经济、过程控制、过程自动化等。
在德鲁巴展会上,诺德美克将展示创新的纸张加工工艺,这是消费量增长最快的基材。您将看到从未在行业展会现场展示过的技术,这些创新技术将在未来数十年内成为行业的标志。这些技术包括模块化定制机器设计、获得专利的 5 辊涂布头、Simplex 和 One-Shot 系列产品以及 N-Gen 真空镀膜产品系列。
请在您的日历上做好标记,并随时关注 2024 年德鲁巴展会前几个月将公布的更多详细信息。
欢迎莅临诺德美克公司位于15 号展厅 C-40 展位,亲眼见证这些突破性创新。
The first stopover of the "Image-to-Print" roadshow after the two years pause due to the pandemics was a great success.
Over 100 attendees and a great interest about the topics touched by the presentations during the conference stage of the event.
Nordmeccanica wishes to thank all attendees, the organization, and the co-sponsors.
#1 基材处理。
#2 蒸发系统。
其特点是更快的设置和高效的操作员操作,涵盖了从低沉积,如氧化铝,一直到用于较厚的层的高程度蒸镀或高速蒸镀。加入了沉积层传感器的补充,有光学型和电阻型,适用于透明(如氧化铝)到金属的重度沉积。 自动沉积控制软件已被调教成为一个强大且一致的工具,无论操作员的技能水平如何,都可轻松驾驭。
#3 真空系统。
#4 高效的冷却系统。
#5 机器配置实现终极能效。
#6 模块化概念。
在N-Gen™标准配置所提供的令人印象深刻的功能之外,还可以添加一系列的可选配单元,以优化定制和多功能性: "多区阻隔+粘合增强™"是一项专利技术,用于提高各种聚合物的粘合强度和阻隔性能;"氧化铝模块":终极进化,在设置时间和沉积的规则度方面具有独特的性能;"缺陷监测",通过高动态摄像系统实现;"硫化锌蒸发器 "作为全息图的高折射率层;"等离子 "预处理和后处理;"纸张配置 "用于镀特定的纸张。
#7号 性能经久不衰。
市场趋势和新的包装技术的推动下,真空镀膜机被要求向新一代发展。其目标是要缩短转换时间,提高性能,将产出质量提高到新的水平,将机器的使用灵活性升级。我们诺德美克,做到了这一点,由此产生的最新成果就是: N-Gen™。
新开发的N-Gen™产品系列具有所有最先进的技术解决方案,并在传统材料上实现了顶级的生产效率和质量表现。此外,N-Gen™产品系列的设计也是为了处理那些在镀膜中不太常规的基材,如聚乙烯和浇注聚烯烃的单一材料可持续包装,这方面也能有卓越的表现。在高阻隔方面,即镀膜领域中增长最快的部分,重点放在专有的 "多区阻隔+粘接增强™"和金属氧化物(AlOx氧化铝)上,它们具有卓越的性能和最快的设置时间。这款机型的应用范围还包括了:全息图;安全;使用非传统涂层的功能薄膜,例如硫化锌和铜。最后也需要被关注到的是:纸,由于可持续包装,这种材料的需求正在经历着指数级的增长。
Dear Valued partner,
Nordmeccanica today is pleased to announce its appointment of Windmoller & Holscher Asia-Pacific Co. Ltd (W&H) as its new representative for Thailand and South Korea, bringing together Nordmeccanica's reputation as global market leader in coating and laminating with W&H longstanding experience selling machinery worldwide.
The partnership will allow Nordmeccanica to connect with Thai and Korean companies of all types and sizes more widely, building on W&H reputation for excellence, extensive network and engineering capabilities.
The two companies will focus on raising the profile of Nordmeccanica's coating and laminating excellence and metallizing innovations, which offer integrated solutions for multiple industry requirements, including food packaging, brand protection and security, photovoltaics, and energy conservation.
Looking to further develop our business relationship based on this new partnership.
For future reference please contact:
Nordmeccanica Area Sales Manager:
Mr Luigi Guzzardi
Phone: +39 0523 596418 - E-mail: Guzzardi@nordmeccanica.com
W&H Head of Regional Business segment:
Michael Fischer
E-mail: michael.fischer@wuh-group.com
Kai Schaperklaus
E-mail: kai.schaeperklaus@wuh-group.com
Sales Enquiry:
Ariya Karanunt (TH)
Phone: 098-584-6924 - E-mail: ariya.karanunt@wuh-group.com
Hyoungdo Ki (KR)
Phone: +82 109 501 0969 - E-mail: hyoungdo.ki@wuh-group.com
After Sales Service:
Nattawut Muangprasert (TH)
Phone: 063-219-6953 - E-mail: nattawut.muangprasert@wuh-group.com
Hyoungdo Ki (KR)
Phone: +82 109 501 0969 - E-mail: hyoungdo.ki@wuh-group.com
Spare parts Support:
Naphatramai Singtian (TH)
Phone: 065-521-0208 - E-mail: naphatramai.singtian@wuh-group.com
Dollaya Lebdang (KR)
Phone: +66 65-349-903 - E-mail: dollaya.lebdang@wuh-group.com
It will house the production of coaters and laminators for flexible packaging and recyclable packaging.
Also present the Minister for the Economy and Finance, Hon. Giancarlo Giorgetti who, together with the Cerciello family, took part in the ribbon cutting.
As part of the 4th edition of Imprese Vincenti, a project promoted and conceived by Intesa Sanpaolo, Nordmeccanica has been selected among 4,000 companies and awarded as an Italian entrepreneurial excellence.
Thanks to its continuous capacity for innovation, Nordmeccanica is one of the leading Italian SMEs in the transition towards sustainability, promoting the growth of our country and giving new impetus to the Italian economy.
To collect the award our president Antonio Cerciello.
Nordmeccanica in cooperation with “University of Parma” and a selected group of qualified technical partners launched an R&D project named Remopack (Recyclable mono-material for packaging).
The project will require a significant investment over the 3 years planned duration. To confirm the importance of the topic and the attention of the political authorities to the matter the project has been awarded a non-repayable financing from the Italian Ministry of Economical Development.
Target of the project will be the development of a mono-material high barrier fully recyclable flexible packaging structure.
With the term mono-material is indicated a laminated compound made out of layers of films manufactured out of the same base polymer. Current guidelines indicate the minimum percentage to qualify for “mono-material” in a range from 80 to 90%, variable country by country. Being the remaining percentage a tolerated amount of non-recyclable components.
The final target of the project is a laminated structure made of multiple film layers, all layers made of the same fully recyclable polymer. The structure through the combined contribution of lamination completed with the use of fully recyclable adhesives, barrier coatings, AlOx deposition in a vacuum metallizer, and technologies developed to emend the typical AlOx layer fragility will have to achieve very high mechanical and barrier properties to comply with the increased demand of performances recorded for flexible packaging. The target mono-material percentage for the project is to be as close as possible for the entire laminated compound to “fully recyclable”.
The innovation consists in pushing recyclability to the extreme while providing a process cost competitive with traditional technologies.
The development of the project will require the contribution of a number of high-level partners. All of them leading their specific market segment. Managing an R&D group of this complexity targeting highly innovative results requires extended expertise and significant technical knowledge. Nordmeccanica has been approved by public authorities in the leading role in recognition of the achievements reached in previous R&D projects and in acknowledgement of its historical role as innovator in our industry.
Partner in the leadership role will be the University of Parma. With its Interdepartmental Research Center for Packaging, University of Parma is leading the research at academic level in this segment in Europe. Parma is in fact the home base of EFSA, the European Food Safety Authority, the authority responsible to screen and rate new technologies and innovations in the food supply chain.
December, like every year, is the month of evaluations regarding the work and the successes of the year just passed.
This, however, was more special than usual: after two years of stop, Nordmeccanica has finally managed to gather for the usual Christmas dinner and to celebrate all together the excellent work done.
For the occasion we retraced these last two "particular" years thanks to a video summary of all the goals achieved. Because, despite the difficulties, Nordmeccanica has never stopped and has always pushed and worked to achieve its goals especially in the professional field, but also thanks to personal and sporting successes.
With this video we want to share with all our customers and partners our results and thank them for their continued support over the years, wishing everyone a Happy Holiday and a serene 2023.
Watch the video
Come and visit for the latest in Coating, Laminating and Vacuum Metallizing technologies.. At Pack Expo Nordmeccanica simultaneously with the K show in Dusseldorf Germany, will unveil the latest industry achievements in mono-materials fully recyclable high barrier pouches.
Visit us at:
South Building Booth S-4257
After two years of forced suspension due to the pandemic, we are proud to announce that NORDMECCANICA SPA will be present at next K fair with its stand, where our staff will be happy to welcome you to show our latest innovations in lamination and metallization.
We will also be available every day of the fair to explain in details the entire range of Nordmeccanica machinery and to support our visitors in anything they may need.
You will find us at:
We will be there waiting for you!
Webinar: Thursday, April 7th at 10AM CDT
Join experts from Nordmeccanica, Dow, & Enercon Industries for an educational webinar on the best practices for successful solventless laminating.
Reserve your spot today for this informative webinar: click here
Nordmeccanica will participate to Plastimagen 2022 fair, at the Incotecnica stand.
Find here the electronic invitation.
» Click here
Another major project completed by Nordmeccanica in the Coating Lacquering industry segment. The customer, a film manufacturer, has purchased an Horizontal model so to be able to offer to converters a semi-finished product completing the product portfolio of its films with a variety of coatings in accordance to current trends in the industry. Machine features the unsurpassed drying technology pioneered by Nordmeccanica and able to offer unprecedented production performances while optimizing energy efficiency. The Horizontal model, the top of the line in the Nordmeccanica product range, stands in a league of its own for quality standards and overall performances and scrap reduction.
Machine will allow to handle primers, coatings, releases and a large variety of water or solvent based applications. Interchangeable coating heads, a technology introduced by Nordmeccanica during the 70s, offers the possibility to install every single coating head available in the range: Rotogravure; Close Chamber doctor Blade rotogravure; Semi Flexo; Offset gravure; Flexo; Flexo Special, and several others covering every possible need in the industry.
Film manufacturers represent a quickly growing segment among the Nordmeccanica reference list. Nordmeccanica is in fact the one source for their needs both in Vacuum metallization and film coating.
Machine was completed on time as for every other delivery completed during the pandemics. The unique approach to components sourcing allowed for a punctuality that as well offers no equal in the industry, eventually rewarded by the growth registered by Nordmeccanica in 2021.
Bostik joins forces with Nordmecannica over the purchase of world-class lamination equipment, strengthening its position in flexible lamination in the wake of the acquisition of Ashland’s high performance adhesive and in-line with Arkema’s sustainability strategy.
PARIS, 25 November 2021
Bostik, the Adhesive Solutions segment of Arkema, signed today a purchase contract with Nordmeccanica, one of the world's leading lamination machines suppliers, for the furniture of a cutting-edge commercial laminator, to bolster its global R&D efforts on flexible lamination and further diversify its offering of sustainable smart adhesive solutions.
The new state-of-the-art equipment will be based in Bostik's Shanghai R&D center, and primarily serve the flexible packaging converting industry, which provides adhesive solutions for food and beverage, fast moving consumer goods, pharmaceutical and industrial applications in the Asia Pacific region.
It will allow Bostik to deliver more sustainable, high quality and innovative adhesive solutions to customers in Asia Pacific and around the world, with areas such as solvent-free solutions, low monomer solutions, and solutions that serve the growing need for monomaterial packaging, among the ones that will receive particular focus.
By enabling Bostik teams to reproduce the exact production processes that its clients implement, it will also help speed up the pace at which innovations are developed and brought to the market, contributing to the prompt diffusion of more sustainable adhesive solutions for the packaging industry.
Finally, the new laminator will lead to strengthening the Bostik’s Flex Pack Academy, a knowledge center on flexible lamination and adhesive solutions, thus contributing to expanding the knowledge on flexible lamination through the whole value chain.
“Working with partners such as Nordmeccanica will enable us to deliver superior and safe products to our customers, and at the same time unlock our potential in continuously delivering high performance and sustainable solutions. This is perfectly in line with Bostik’s strategy to forge purposeful partnerships that contribute to our Group’s ambition to create innovative materials for a more sustainable world.” commented Richard Lelievre, Senior Vice President of the Advanced Packaging Business Unit at Bostik.
In the wake of the acquisition of Ashland’s performance adhesives business, this new partnership further strengthens Bostik’s global position in flexible lamination, a steadily growing market, thus actively contributing to Arkema’s ambitious growth strategy.
About Bostik, the Adhesive Solutions segment of Arkema
Bostik, a subsidiary of the Arkema Group and a global player in specialty adhesives for the construction, consumer, and industrial markets, develops innovative and multifunctional sealing and bonding solutions that have been shaping our daily lives for over 130 years. With an annual sale of 2.1 billion euros in 2019, a presence in more than 40 countries, and 6,000 employees, the company is committed to meeting the major ecological, energy and technological challenges through its innovations. It is focused on continuous improvement and operational excellence to meet the expectations of its customers and partners. www.bostik.com
About Nordmeccanica
Nordmeccanica is a world leader in the manufacture of coating, laminating and metallizing machinery. A total of 280 employees, five plants (three in Italy, one in China and one in the United States) and two direct operations, in India and Argentina. The company also operates through a network of representatives covering 87 countries worldwide.
Nordmeccanica Group, founded in 1978 and taken over in 1998 by Antonio Cerciello, is confirmed as a global partner, boasting a market share of 75 % in flexible packaging and 65 % in the industrial application field.
For further information, please visit: Bostik
See the video: Bostik joins forces with Nordmecannica